Natural Medicine in Anti-Ageing, 19-20 November, Sydney, Australia

 At the end of this week, on November 19-20, the Australian Apitherapy Association, led by president Dr. Bridget Goodwin, organized the 2nd Global Apitherapy Conference, which brought together specialists from 17 countries, from various parts of the world. The international conference, which enjoyed great success, took place under the suggestive and extremely current title "Natural Medicine in Anti-Ageing", for a world that is aging more and more. In their papers, the specialists present at this prestigious scientific event tried to offer solutions to people interested in living longer, better and healthier, by using various natural therapies, such as: apitherapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, Ayurveda, cannabinoid medicine, diet therapy, homeopathy, phytotherapy, manual therapies, etc.

At this exceptional scientific meeting, I had the opportunity to present my therapeutic model used to slow down the specific processes of aging, due to the synergistic effect of various natural therapies, which can be associated in the specific diseases of the third age. People interested in the therapeutic model "Rose", developed by me in the 45 years of activity in the field of natural therapies (apitherapy, aromatherapy, diet therapy, phytotherapy, homeopathy, therapy manual, etc.), can follow the presentation by clicking on the following link by TouTube:
